Penemuruai Visitors:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to distinguish between real and counterfeit eggs

Adapted from article, The Sunday Post,page-15, Home, dated 10th April 2011


ChinaHush, a website in mainland China where fake eggs are believed to have first originated, suggests the following for consumers to identify fake eggs.

1.       After cracking the fake egg, the white and yolk will mix together quickly.

2.       Fake eggs have slightly shinier shells than real ones.

3.       The shells of the fake eggs feel slightly rougher.

4.       You will hear sloshing sounds when you shake a fake egg as liquid will flow from the solid agent.

5.       Real eggs smell like raw meat.

6.       Tapping a real egg lightly will generate a crisp sound when compared to a fake egg.

7.       When frying a fake egg, the yolk will spread without being touched.


How to make fake eggs? The ingredient needed:

Egg shells:

1.       Calcium carbonate

2.       Paraffin wax

3.       Gypsum powder

Egg yolk&white

1.       Sodium alginate

2.       Alum

3.       Gelatin

4.       Edible calcium chloride

5.       Benzoic acid

6.       Water

7.       Food colouring.


*Penemuruai`s comment: Too smart in gaining fast cash.


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